"The Pratt & Associates Group's contributions have guided staff in skilled training, problem solving in a constructive manner and making suggestions to enhance our company experience for managers and staff. We see them as an integral part of our company's well-being."
Human Resources Training and Development–Mandatory to Ensure Compliance
Non-compliance can cost an organization $$$ and it often comes with a ruined reputation and decreased employee morale. Don't let this happen to you!
With laws changing on both the Federal and State level it is almost impossible for businesses to stay on top of the latest compliance regulations, educate their employees, and then monitor progress.
That's where we can help. The Pratt & Associates Group offers HR online training for employees, which ensures your organization reduces employee turnover and boosts retention. Each of our human relations courses may be customized and built specifically for your company's needs.
We make things convenient for you and your employees. They no longer need to attend lengthy classroom programs–all our HR training for employees or managers is done online via webcam and most training is completed within one to two hours.

Pratt & Associates Group Online Courses for Human Resources
Harassment Prevention and Avoidance
This easy to follow program is interactive and interesting with real-life cases. All materials provided by P&A Group have been legally reviewed and meet all California and Federal content requirements. We offer manager (2 hours) and employee (1 hour) programs
Conflict and Respectful Workplace
This empowering program first asks participants, "What is a respectful workplace?" Then we define the best practices for a respectful workplace and provide you with skills to ensure you can get your company/department there.
Interviewing Job Candidates
The P&A Group provides HR solutions so you understand how to hire the best candidate for your job opening. Then, we thoroughly cover what you can and can't ask–making sure you follow the law. In addition, you are given tools to plan your interview to obtain the best results.
Performance Appraisal How To's
Employee performance appraisals can be challenging for anyone-even if you have to write your own.
The P&A Group simplifies the process with clear cut tools for:
- How to write a performance appraisal
- How to deliver bad news
- How to stay out of legal hot water
Best practices for onboarding: HR Solutions for Managers
This course helps managers make the new employee feel welcome and ensures you stay within the law.
We cover all of the bases:
- What are best practices to integrate new employees into the company culture?
- What forms do I need to give the new employee?
- What is necessary for the first day, 30 day, and 60 day check-in process?
Giving and Receiving Feedback
Another challenging area for many supervisors and managers. In this comprehensive program we cover critical areas to help them understand:
- Why feedback is so important
- How to provide feedback– especially constructive
- How to best receive feedback
Exempt or Non-exempt or Don't Know?
In California this is the biggest area of litigation–not knowing this information can cost your company major $$$. Every supervisor and manager should know the basics and this course gives them to you in a comprehensive program.
Problem Employee? A good performer but doesn't get along with the team?
Our newest offering, this self-paced Human Relations Course will improve the employee's sensitivity and empathy with coworkers. Through reflection and application of real-life cases, each participant will experience human relations skills aimed at improved relationships in both business and personal life.
When you choose the Pratt & Associates Group online courses for Human Resources you are given the tools to achieve compliance, minimize your risk, and improve the workplace culture.